29. Januar 2025

Sogeler VW-Beetle

Fabian und sein Beetle
Lesedauer ca. 2 Minuten

Thanks for meeting me, Fabian. A few years ago an article appeared in the Telfs local newspaper about you and your ‘Sogeler’-VW Beetle….Why ’Sogeler’?

Fabian: That’ the name of our house. It’s the name of the saw-works here in Kohlstatt!

How long have you had your Beetle?

Fabian: Ten years exactly.

What was the condition like when you got  it?

Fabian: I thought it was OK, but that wasn’t the case. Rust – well covered up, nicely hidden from the buyer! In the floor alone there were 18 holes! It took me a year to restore it.

If I may ask, how much did it cost to restore it?

Fabian: Not just a years, but some 8000 Euros in spare parts. It was a radical re-build.

Would you describe yourself as a ‘Beetle-Screwer’ (Käferschrauber)?

Fabian: Certainly. With time you learn so much, so you really get to know the car. I got help from a mechanic, and friends.

Would you say that working with an old car is your hobby, your passion?

Fabian: Very much so. I work four days a week, so I’ve got spare time to work on the car. This is now the second restoration.

On Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27, there’s a Beetle and Oldtimer Meeting on the field by the Gasthaus  Sonne in Tarrenz. Will you be there?

Fabian: Perhaps I’ll be….but not with my Beetle. I’ll be on my own!

Won’t that be lonely, on your own?

Fabian: You’re never alone if there are other ‘Beetle-Screwers’ around!

You were Chair of the newly founded Committee for the Oldtimer Club Inzing….

Fabian: That was in July 2014. I was Chair till this year.

What did you achieve with the Club during those years?

Fabian: We had 55 members at the Club’s height, regular meetings in different pubs every two months, and in 2018 we had over 400 vehicles at the Annual Meeting by the Swimming Pool.  We have a wide range of members age-wise, with many young people. I feel I can look back with pride at what we’ve achieved. At our first Annual Meeting we even had over a hundred cars, despite bad weather….and nobody knowing about the newly founded Club! Now I am Assistant Secretary to Bernd!

Very many thanks, Fabian, for this interview.

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2 Gedanken zu “Sogeler VW-Beetle

  1. Lieber Fabian,
    bei diesem Bild komme ich ins Grübeln. Ich hatte in den 1970ern und 80ern nacheinander 3 Käfer und alle hatten den Motor vorne, da bin ich mir sicher. Hast du den Motor nach hinten verlegt oder war das bei späteren Modellen schon so?

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