Freundeskreis für Integration (FKFI) unterwegs / Friends Circle en route
Surprise, surprise…sometimes things turn out to be different from what you are planning!
Surprise, surprise…sometimes things turn out to be different from what you are planning!
Am 11. März bot der Kamera-Club Inzing in der MS einen faszinierenden Abend, eine Digivision über Nordfrankreich mit Alfred Schestak.
Walking, attending a circus performance, cycling and more…
On a freezing cold Monday evening, Dec 12, 2022, some 34 attended a marvellous photo and film show by Walter and Vroni Krismer…
Heute stellen wir Ihnen einen anderen Teil Schottlands vor, der nicht so bekannt, aber einen Besuch wert ist – Südwest-Schottland.
Does a sad tone on a violin ever make you think of autumn?
LV61 from 1929. LV stands for the Swedish word ‘Lastvagn’, the ‘6’ refers to the number of cylinders, and the ‘1’ tells us that it is from the very first series of lorries.
This is the third in our series of articles about older people, and older cars, around Inzing… Here we present the white 1968 Jaguar Mk. II (240), often seen around Inzing during sunny summer days.